Electron Optics:
EOl |
Gerheitm V., H.Rose |
Quadrupole projector system
with variable magnification for energy-filtering transmission electron
microscopes |
EO2 |
Hartel P., D. Preikszas, R.
Spehr, H. Rose |
Test of a beam separator for
a corrected PEEM/LEEM |
EO3 |
Hejna J. |
Optimisation of an immersion
lens design in the BSE detector for the low voltage SEM |
EO4 |
O., R. Autrata |
The separation of secondary
electrons in annular and planar detectors |
EO5 |
Janzen R., E. Weimer |
Study of detection properties
of a MEDOL/GEMINI objective lens for secondary electrons |
EO6 |
R., M. I.enc |
Different ways of adding aberrations |
EO7 |
Müller H., H. Rose |
A coherence function approach
to multislice theory |
EO8 |
Müllerová I., L. Frank, E.Weimer |
Variable mode retarding field
element for Low-Energy SEM |
EO9 |
Müllerová I., L. Frank |
Short note on Low-Energy SEM
configurations |
EO10 |
Preikszas D., P. Hartel, R.
Spehr, H. Rose |
Construction of an electron-optical
bench for testing a mirror corrector |
EO11 |
Schmid P., H. Rose |
Outline of a variable-axis
lens with arbitrary shift of the axis in one direction |
EO12 |
Spehr R. |
Variable axis lens with an
extremely large scanning area in one direction |
Il |
R., J. Jirák, M. Klvač, V. Romanovský |
Detection of backscattered
electrons in environmental SEM |
I2 |
Autrata R., V. Romanovský,
J.Jirák, M.Klvač |
Ionisation detector for the
environmental SEM |
I3 |
Autrata R., J.Jirák. M. Michálek,
J. Špinka |
Amplification of signal electrons
in gas environment |
I4 |
Autrata R., J.Jirák. M. Michálek,
J. Špinka |
Conditions for specimen observation
in environmental SEM |
I5 |
A.. V. Kolařík, D.C. Martin |
Low voltage transmission electron
microscope LVTEM-5 |
Surface Science:
Sl |
O. |
Noncharging microscopy of semiconductor
structures |
S2 |
Lilienkamp G., Th. Schmidt,
S. Satchenko, K. Prince, E. Bauer |
Spectroscopic imaging with
the low energy electron microscope |
S3 |
Merkel M., M. Escher, O. Schmidt,
Ch. Ziethen, G. Schönhense |
The microanalytic prospects
of a high resolution PEEM |
S4 |
Steklý R., L. Frank., I. Müllerová |
Distributed Monte Carlo: smart
way for computing complex problems |
S5 |
M., M.M. ElGomati |
Measurements of the secondary
and backscattered electron coefficients in the very low energy range |
S6 |
M., L. Frank, J. Norris |
Imaging of non-conducting specimens
by noncharging scanning electron microscopy with method for automatically
adjusted critical energies |